Our Industry

The major production regions are in the Riverland, South Australia; Murray Valley, Victoria and New South Wales; Riverina, New South Wales.

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Developing a fungicide resistance service for citrus packers

A 12-month project aimed to develop a fungicide resistance service and provide resistance management advice/training for citrus packers has been completed.

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Grower views wanted on Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2022

Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) is currently preparing the Citrus Industry Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) in cooperation with industry.

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Growers can use Captan for Emperor brown spot

Growers can now use Captan to control Emperor brown spot (EBS) on mandarins, after the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority released a permit on October 5 for its use.

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Citrus Technical Forum 2017

Citrus growers and packers will have the opportunity to discover the latest technology and gain an insight into current research projects at the Citrus Technical Forum, to be held in Mildura on March 1-2 next year.

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