Xylella… a global threat

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Xylella… a global threat
Online tool helps farmers cope with challenges and get the most out of every day

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Online tool helps farmers cope with challenges and get the most out of every day
Food Safety Forum to answer grower questions

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Food Safety Forum to answer grower questions
US ruling could affect Australian citrus industry

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about US ruling could affect Australian citrus industry
Marketing levy at work in Asia

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Marketing levy at work in Asia
Opportunities are ripe for Australian citrus juice

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Opportunities are ripe for Australian citrus juice

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