Protective spray reduces gall wasp

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Protective spray reduces gall wasp
On the front foot against exploitation

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about On the front foot against exploitation
Assessing resistance to postharvest fungicides

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Assessing resistance to postharvest fungicides
HARPS hits the right note for growers and retailers

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about HARPS hits the right note for growers and retailers
New Strategic Investment Plan to boost export growth

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about New Strategic Investment Plan to boost export growth
Do you know minimal wage for casual pickers?

Trade data released this week for the period January-November 2016 (inclusive) confirm that the 2016 season was another record year for Australian citrus exports.
Total citrus exports until the end of November were just under 220,000 tonnes to a value of $335 million.

Read More > about Do you know minimal wage for casual pickers?

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