Permits issued to control citrus gall wasp

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) issued two permits on August 5 for the use of Samurai (clothianidin) to control citrus gall wasp.

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Proposed changes to the maximum residue limit for dithiocarbamates

The APVMA that it is proposing to establish a new (temporary) MRL of 7 mg/kg for dithiocarbomates in citrus. Dithiocarbamates include the active ingredients mancozeb, propineb and zineb.

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Strong finish to navel season

Strong export demand and improved picking conditions have combined to ensure a strong finish to the season, according to Citrus Australia Market Information and Quality Manager, Nathan Hancock.

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Larger Australian presence at key Asian events

Export marketing programs for the second half of the year have been finalised by Horticulture Innovation Australia.

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See Spanish citrus, French manufacturing firsthand

CITRUS industry representatives will embark on a fact-finding mission to southern France and Spain in November thanks to a partnership between equipment manufacturer MAF and Citrus Australia.

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