Victorian carryover water explained

Victorian carryover water explained 29 May 2019 The Victorian water system can be difficult to understand. Tyson Milne, Senior Technical…

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Increased grower returns the focus of 2019 Juice Forum

Increased grower returns the focus of 2019 Juice Forum 22 May 2019 New processing technology, capitalizing on increased consumer demand…

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Lower Murray Darling capacity review, no moratorium without consultation

Lower Murray Darling capacity review, no moratorium without consultation 22 May 2019 Citrus Australia agrees to a review of the…

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Taming the Afourer trend after year 10

MFC works with growers on chemical use 14 May 2019 Afourers can produce yields of up to 100 ton per…

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MFC works with growers on chemical use

MFC works with growers on chemical use 14 May 2019 Mildura Fruit Company has produced a pesticide strategy management book…

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