High density plantings, intensive orchards to be tested

High density plantings, intensive orchards to be tested 15 December 2020 The economics of citrus intensification will be tested as…

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NSW, Victorian Premiers must show leadership to resolve worker crisis 

NSW, Victorian Premiers must show leadership to resolve worker crisis  14 December 2020  Citrus Australia welcomes Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s…

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Nutritional benefits of fresh juice considered as part of Health Star Rating review

Nutritional benefits of fresh juice considered as part of Health Star Rating review  1 December 2020  The news that the…

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Dogs join frontline to detect citrus canker

Dogs join frontline to detect citrus canker   1 December 2020 Man’s best friend will work on the biosecurity frontline to…

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Health Star Rating credibility broken beyond repair

Health Star Rating credibility broken beyond repair 27 November 2020  Citrus Australia is shocked and disappointed with today’s decision by…

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Ministers can prevent 2-star rating for fruit juice

Ministers can prevent 2-star rating for fruit juice 19 November 2020  Fruit growers have slammed a proposal to change the…

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