Health Star Rating system defies common sense

Health Star Rating system defies common sense 20 July 2020  Citrus Australia is vastly disappointed with Friday’s decision by State…

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Remote sensing gives early indication of eventual yield 

Remote sensing gives early indication of eventual yield  13 July 2020 Remote sensing of citrus blocks can give an early…

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Citrus Australia welcomes Minister Littleproud’s support for 5-Star rating for fresh juice

Citrus Australia welcomes Minister Littleproud’s support for 5-Star rating for fresh juice 13 July 2020  Citrus Australia welcomes Federal Agriculture…

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Circular economy critical in minimising plastic footprint

Circular economy critical in minimising plastic footprint  13 July 2020 Plastic itself is not the cause of environmental pollution but…

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A refresher on postharvest degreening

A refresher on postharvest degreening  26 June 2020 By John Golding, Research Horticulturist, NSW DPI  Degreening is the process of…

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One chapter closes, another opens in citrus postharvest research

One chapter closes, another opens in citrus postharvest research 26 June 2020 By John Golding, Research Horticulturist, NSW DPI  Postharvest…

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