Improve your health with fresh Australian oranges

Fresh Australian oranges – the most natural way to boost your immune system for winter – are now in season.
Sweet and juicy Navel oranges, which are seedless and versatile, are now available in supermarkets and fruit shops everywhere.

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Give your opinion on biosecurity

In 2014, the Citrus Biosecurity Project conducted a grower survey to better understand the level of knowledge around this topic. Activities were planned with this information in mind.

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Single standard for supermarket food safety

AUSTRALIA’S major supermarkets will adopt a standardised food safety audit system.

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Hort gets a seat at ACCC table

Citrus Australia chair, Tania Chapman, has been appointed to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Agriculture Consultative Committee.
Chaired by ACCC Commissioner, Mick Keogh, the Committee will provide a forum for the discussion of competition and fair trading concerns related to the agriculture sector.

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Backpacker tax will cripple agriculture workforce

If the Federal Government chooses to introduce a tax of 32.5% on every working dollar a holidaying backpacker earns, they can kiss goodbye to growers voting for them in this year’s election, according to Citrus Australia Chair, Tania Chapman.

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