19 October 2016

Grower views wanted on Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2022

Grower views wanted on Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2022


Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) is currently preparing the Citrus Industry Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) in cooperation with industry.

A SIP currently exists for the citrus industry (2012 – 2017) but now requires updating.
Scott Williams of Scott Williams Consulting and Russell Pattinson of Miracle Dog have been engaged by Hort Innovation to work with the citrus industry to prepare a five-year SIP that reflects the industry’s research, development, extension and marketing activity priorities.

The plan is being developed through extensive consultation with industry.

Over coming weeks, information about upcoming industry workshops will be available, as part of that consultation.
Growers that would like to register to receive updates on the SIP can visit the Hort Innovation SIP Portal.
The industry’s current SIP can be found on the Hort Innovation website here .

A Strategic Investment Plan – or SIP – is the roadmap that helps guide Hort Innovation’s oversight and management of individual industry levy investment programs.

The SIP is used to guide the Strategic Investment Advisory Panels (SIAPs) and Hort Innovation prioritization and implementation of specific industry levy R&D and marketing programs.

Growers who would like to have input to the Plan can complete the following short survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/citrusindustrysip

A draft of the SIP will be available for industry comment in the next couple of months.

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