26 February 2019

BOM to share long-term predictions, frost management advice

BOM to share long-term predictions, frost management advice

Naomi Benger

26 February 2019

The Bureau of Meteorology will provide the latest information on long-term weather forecasts, and predicting and dealing with frosts, at the 2019 Citrus Technical Forum.
With climate change playing a major part in long-term plans for citrus, Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said it was important for growers to receive as much information on this issue as possible.
The Bureau of Meteorology has formed an agricultural program and senior climatologist, Darren Ray, will share latest information on long-term weather forecasts.
Naomi Benger is the Frost Service Lead within the BOM Agricultural Program.
“The Bureau actively seeks partners to add value to existing and new Bureau products and services,” she said.
“I am particularly focussed on collaborating with producers and industry bodies to develop a frost service which will deliver real value to the industry.”
With its new Agricultural Program, the BOM has a renewed focus to work with grower representative groups to understand issues that affect growers most, and work with them.
This includes showing growers how to use existing information more effectively for their farms.
BOM’s involvement at the 2019 Citrus Technical Forum will also enable growers to speak with these senior climatologists at breaks throughout the day.
To register for the Forum visit: www.citrusaustralia.com.au/events or call (03) 5023 6333.

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