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A newsletter for Australian citrus growers and packers
Welcome to the Packer Newsletter!
The Packer Newsletter is a regular newsletter for Australian citrus growers and packers. It is a contribution from the Horticulture Innovation ‘Australian Citrus Postharvest Science Program’ (CT15010). The newsletter will give industry updates on the outcomes of the research in the ‘Australian Citrus Postharvest Science Program’, industry news, new products and better ways for handling and storing fresh citrus.
The Packer Newsletter was run by Peter Taverner, Nancy Cunningham and the postharvest team at SARDI many years. Peter and the team have made the Packer Newsletter a mainstay of practical and up-to-date postharvest information for Australian growers and packers. Thanks to Peter and everyone at SARDI for many years of hard and dedicated work.
This summary contains issues of the Packer Newsletters # 72, 77, 97 – 119. Other back issues will be added and indexed when available.
Issue 115 – 119 – Edited and written by John Golding (NSW DPI)
Issues 72, 97-114 – Edited and written by Peter Taverner (SARDI)
Issue 77 – Editor Nancy Cunningham (SARDI)
These articles have been catalogued as a contribution from the Australian Citrus Postharvest Science Program (CT15010) funded by Horticulture Innovation and NSW Department of Primary Industries. Levies from Australian citrus growers are managed by Horticulture Innovation and contributed to funding this project. The Australian Government provides matched funding for all Horticulture Innovation’s research and development activities.
* Please check APVMA website to check all chemicals and treatments for their registration and use in your state – Public Chemical Registration Information System Search ( It is critical to check that these chemicals are also allowed in certain export markets.
The Packer Newsletters
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