29 July 2024
Citrus Australia welcomes new Minister for Agriculture
Australia’s peak body for citrus farming, Citrus Australia, has welcomed the appointment of The Hon. Julie Collins as the new federal Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry and Small Business.
Minister Collins, whose appointment is part of the new frontbench lineup announced by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, was sworn in on Monday and is set to be supported by Queensland Senator Anthony Chisholm as the assistant minister to the agricultural portfolio.
Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said he was looking forward to working with Minister Collins again, following her previous role as shadow minister for agriculture in 2021.
“Minister Collins spent close to 18 months across the agricultural portfolio, and so we are looking forward to hosting her as soon as we can at our citrus headquarters in Mildura, and to introducing her again to our incredible citrus industry,” Mr Hancock said.
Ahead of Monday’s swearing-in ceremony, Minister Collins acknowledged on social media the important role agriculture played within Australia.
“I welcome the great honour to serve as the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and thank the Prime Minister for this new challenge,” she said on X.
“Agriculture plays a vital role in our country, and our national economy continues to rely on a strong and diverse sector.”
Mr Hancock also said he wanted to acknowledge the work and service of The Hon. Murray Watt across the very complex and busy agriculture portfolio.
“Minister Watt’s job was exceptionally busy within the agricultural industry – and his role had the added complexity of the emergency services portfolio – so we really do thank him for his service.
“I also look forward to working with him in his new role as Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations because, given his previous role, he will most certainly have a better perspective of the situation for employers in agriculture,” Mr Hancock said.
“All in all, we really do look forward to working with the new front bench players, including Minister Collins, and the federal government, as we step closer and closer to the next election.”
For further information or for an interview with Nathan Hancock, CEO, Citrus Australia please contact:
Sarah C Porter
Citrus Australia Communications Manager
Mobile: +61 (0) 438 358 787
Email: sarahporter@citrusaustralia.com.au
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