24 April 2020



Horticulture industry groups and health professionals have teamed up to launch the Fruit & Vegetable Consortium, which advocates for comprehensive action to address Australia’s complacency about eating fruits and vegetables.  The Consortium was formed in response to the alarmingly low rates of fruit and vegetable consumption in Australia.

The Consortium has outlined its vision and for its first major project is developing a business case and prospectus for potential funders, including government, retailers and other interested sectors to outline the investment needed for a campaign to increase fruit and vegetable consumption amongst Australians.

You can sign up as a supporter at no cost, which will be shared with government and potential funders.


Boosting community immunity

Now is the time to remind Australia that food is our first medicine.
Research has shown a varied diet with lots of high-fibre foods can help boost gut health and improve immunity.
Research has also shown that to meet the recommended food group intakes, most Australians should eat 30 percent more vegetables and twice as many fruits.
This is why Growcom is launching the Eat Yourself to Health campaign with two very clear and simple messages for the public:

  1. Eat Up! Adults are recommended to consume at least five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit per day.
  2. Branch Out! Variety in diet is important. Next time you shop, branch out and buy a type of fruit or veg you wouldn’t normally.

Join the campaign

The greatest asset of our industry are the growers of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts.  That’s why Eat Yourself to Health is a grassroots campaign, led by growers.  But don’t worry, we’ll be giving you all the tips and tools you’ll need to take part.
Here are three easy steps you can take today to make sure the launch of the Eat Yourself to Health campaign is a great success:

  1. Follow the campaign pages on both Facebook and Instagram.
  2. Share both of these campaign pages with your friends and followers.

Post a comment, photo or video on either or both pages using the hashtag #EatYourselfToHealth

Tips for posting

We are the lucky ones.  Our industry continues on, not without challenges, but at least we get to spend as much time outside as we want.  Our city cousins are all cooped up inside, confined to their houses.  They can however still get out to the shops.  And so food is now one of the few things to spend on, and cooking an important creative outlet.

That’s why we’re asking growers to issue through social media an #EatYourselfToHealth COVID Cooking Challenge.  View our Recipe for the COVID Cooking Challenge to see how easy it is to join in.

Then upload your post to the campaign Facebook page, or your own instagram account tagging @eatyourselftohealthau.

Your Cooking Challenge could include using produce in an unusual way, or variations on classic recipes.  See an example from corn growers here, and from basil growers here.

You can also find more resources and links to the research behind the campaign at https://www.eatyourselftohealth.com.au/campaign.
If you have any problems or questions then please contact the Growcom Communications Team at communications@growcom.com.au or phone 07 3620 3844.


Health and Wellbeing Queensland was established in July 2019 to improve the health and wellbeing of all Queenslanders and reduce health inequities.  Their vision is that every Queenslander achieves and sustains a healthier weight by moving more and making healthier food and drink choices by partnering with community, public and private.

Read about their programs and initiatives here.

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