22 April 2020
Citrus Australia welcomes Waterpool Trading as a corporate partner
Citrus Australia welcomes Waterpool Trading as a corporate partner
22 April 2020
Citrus Australia welcomes Water Partners (Aust) Ltd (Waterpool Trading) as a corporate partner.
Waterpool Trading was established as a co-operative in 2012 to ensure ongoing market transparency of trade.
This irrigator-owned co-operative recently transitioned into a Not for Profit entity that remains community owned with more than 3000 members. It is the only Not for Profit water trader intermediary in Australia.
Citrus Australia CEO, Nathan Hancock, said with recent concerns over water availability and the general complexity of water trading, Waterpool Trading would be a valued partner and provide an important source of information for members.
“We look forward to sharing the Waterpool Trading team’s knowledge with our members at future events, and through our communication channels, including social media, our eNewsletter and our magazine, Australian Citrus News.”
Waterpool Trading CEO Peter Lawford said the co-operative prides itself on its ethical methods of trade, its market driven price disclosure and its high level of direct customer engagement through its personalised service model.
“We look forward to working with Citrus Australia and supporting its irrigator members through education, service and up to date market knowledge with this exciting partnership,” Mr Lawford said.
“Our products and services are designed to provide fair and transparent trading where buyers and sellers set the price, not Waterpool Trading.
“We want to add value to our clients and get to know the individual and the operation, what they need and how we can help.
“The alignment between professional organisations is mutually beneficial and Waterpool Trading looks forward to working with Nathan and the team at Citrus Australia and welcomes the opportunity to provide serices to its members long into the future.”
For further information, contact Stephen Cooke, Industry Engagement Manager, Citrus Australia, on 0427 124 437 or stephen.cooke@citrusaustralia.com.au
Or Donna Mulcahy, Commercial Manager, Waterpool Trading, on 0477 009 332 or donna@waterpool.org.au
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