06 November 2023

Issue 3 of ACN out now

Hort Innovation’s new marketing campaign for Australian oranges features on the cover of Issue 3 2023 of Australian Citrus News.

The revamped ‘Aussie Oranges’ campaign was launched on national television in August and is being supported by food and nutrition scientist Dr Emma Beckett of FOODiQ Global, pictured on the cover.

Issue 3, now available online and in print, also includes articles on several Citrus Fund R&D projects.

Team members from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries explain how they are addressing low productivity problems with seedless varieties. The article is based on their work with the ‘15C001’ variety as part of the levy-funded National Citrus Breeding Program (CT21001).

Members of the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) research team shed light on dwarfing viroid trials they’re running on newly established Neilson mid-season navels, while postharvest expert John Golding, also of NSW DPI, outlines the benefits of waxing citrus.

Biosecurity is also in focus in this edition, with Citrus Australia’s Biosecurity Manager, Jessica Lye, providing details on the ‘Reducing the Risk of Illegally Imported Citrus Budwood’ project (CT19004).

Meanwhile, Citrus Australia’s Juice Development Officer, Olivia Tait, shares insights from a recent trip to India, a market with both challenges and potential for Australian citrus.

Issue 3 also includes updates on next year’s Australian Citrus Congress, plus plenty more news and developments from across the sector.

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