02 July 2019

Sanitation and fungicide resistance testing service available now

Sanitation and fungicide resistance testing service available now

2 July 2019

A new sanitation and fungicide resistance testing service is being provided by NSW Department of Primary Industries and Citrus Australia.

The service provides timely information to packers on the levels of sanitation and technical resistance to postharvest fungicides in their packinghouses.

John Golding, research horticulturalist with NSW DPI and leader of the Hort Innovation-funded postharvest science program, said the results of fungicide resistance surveys showed there are variable levels of sanitation and technical fungicide resistance within the different packinghouses around Australia.

“It is critical to measure and monitor both packinghouse sanitation and hygiene, and the levels of technical resistance to postharvest fungicides,” Mr Golding said.

“If unchecked, poor sanitation and resistance to postharvest fungicides will reduce the efficacy of fungicides leading to decay.”

The service is run through the Citrus Australia website with technical support and reports by NSW Department of Primary Industries. This service is not supported or related to Hort Innovation.

To access the citrus postharvest sanitation and fungicide resistance service visit the Citrus Australia website here.

For further information, contact John Golding on (02) 4348 1926 or email john.golding@dpi.nsw.gov.au

A commercial service testing for packinghouse sanitation and technical fungicide resistance is now available through Citrus Australia and NSW Department of Primary Industries.

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