23 July 2019

Renmark, Waikerie workshops: Freshcare food safety update

Renmark, Waikerie workshops: Freshcare food safety update

13 August 2019

As of July 1, 2019, Freshcare updated the Food Safety & Quality Standard to version 4.1 (FSQ4.1) and the Freshcare Rules to version 4.3.

You will receive information from Freshcare regarding this update over the next few months.

To help growers and packers understand changes to the Standard and how it affects your food safety system, Citrus Australia are organising free one hour workshops in your region (subject to demand).

Workshop dates

Renmark: 27 August

Waikerie: 28 August

Mildura: 25 September

Leeton: 2 October

Workshop details will be provided closer to the scheduled dates.

Things to note:

  • You have until 31 December 2019 to implement changes to your food safety system and transition to FSQ4.1.
  • The majority of changes to the Standard relate to the management aspects of compliance.
  • A review and update to your system with the resources provided should be relatively straightforward and only take a few hours to complete.
  • Most of the FSQ4 forms have not changed or require modification.
  • Updates to the internal audit report template will be provided, to ensure changes from FSQ version 4 to 4.1 are addressed.
  • You can choose to be audited to FSQ4 until 31 December 2019.
  • From 1 January 2020 all grower and packer businesses will be audited to FSQ4.1.
  • You do not need to attend any further training sessions if you have already been trained to FSQ4. Any new participants will be trained to FSQ4.1 from 1 July 2019.
  • Resources, including training webinars, will be made freely available on the Freshcare website to assist businesses in the transition to FSQ4.1. Hard copy materials will also be provided by Freshcare from 1 July 2019.

Freshcare FSQ4.1 training dates (for new participants) will be held on:

Waikerie: 28 August

Mildura: 25 September

Leeton: 2 October

All enquiries can be made to Nicole Zerveas by email nicole.zerveas@citrusaustralia.com.au or phone 0499 044 111 or Mara Milner by email mara.milner@citrusaustralia.com.au or phone 0499 994 592.

Freshcare website: www.freshcare.com.au

HARPS website: www.harpsonline.com.au

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