07 February 2019
Citrus Tree Census and KCT Orchard Registrations now closed for 2019 season
Citrus Tree Census and KCT orchard registrations now closed for 2019 season
7 February 2019
Citrus pack houses that pack fruit for export protocol markets should already be registered on-line with Citrus Australia.
Citrus Tree Census data collection is closed and reporting on the 2018 season will begin soon.
Citrus growers wanting to register their orchards for export protocol markets such as Korea, China and Thailand should also be registered with Citrus Australia and have completed an on-line KCT orchard application.
Now is the time for pack houses and growers to keep preparing their orchards, finalise on-line forms and collect records in time for DAWR audits in March.
Ensure property maps showing the KCT patches have been uploaded onto each KCT orchard application. Maps should be legible and match the block name as it appears on page 1 of the application.
FEB Crop Monitor Report Form 2
Now is the time for KCT registered crop monitors to be inspecting KCT patches and completing the on-line Registered Crop Monitor February Report – 2019 which is attached to the KCT orchard application.
KCT registered crop monitors who want to remain registered and have not yet completed the on-line TOCAL training for 2019 should go to: https://tocal.instructure.com/enroll/ABXCRA
Primary pack houses
Log into the Infocitrus system to VIEW your grower KCT orchard applications.
By the end of February, primary pack houses need to ensure the KCT orchard applications have maps and crop monitor forms uploaded before they electronically sign the pack house declaration on page 3 and ‘Send’ the form to complete it in time for March audits.
Export market protocol and work plan documentation for nominated markets should be downloaded from the MICoR website and available at audit:
DAWR audits
Export registered pack houses will be directly contacted by the department in March to book pack house and orchard audits. For more information on the DAWR audit requirements go to: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/export/controlled-goods/plants-plant-products/plantexportsmanual
with emphasis on: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/biosecurity/export/plants-plant-products/plant-exports-manual/performance-farms.pdf
For support with on-line export registrations please contact Nicole Zerveas on (03) 5023 6333.
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