09 March 2017

Barkley mandarin rootstock launched at Gayndah

Barkley mandarin rootstock launched at Gayndah


Barkley, a new rootstock for mandarin, was launched at a Gayndah field day on the orchard of Russel and Lisa Baker on March 7.

The new variety was named after Patricia Barkley, a retired citrus pathologist who was instrumental in bringing new genetic material (rootstocks), including this particular rootstock, to Australia. An official ceremony was held to mark the release.

Malcolm Smith, citrus breeder at the DAF Bundaberg Research Station, said the Barkley rootstock has shown solid performance over the last 10 years of production in an Imperial rootstock experiment planted at Gayndah in 2004.

“It was one of 33 different rootstocks tested in this experiment and will now be established by Auscitrus for distribution to Australian growers.

“The field day was the first opportunity for growers to see mature trees on these different rootstocks, and consider their suitability for commercial use ahead of anticipated seed availability in a few years’ time.”

The event was jointly organised by the Citrus Australia Qld Regional Advisory Committee, Qld Citrus Improvement Committee, and Qld Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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