07 November 2016

Online export system for packing houses now open

Online export system for packing houses now open


Citrus Australia has opened the online export system for packing houses.
They can use the system to register for the following markets:

  • South Korea (excluding Queensland)
  • China (all states)
  • Thailand (all states)
  • Taiwan (South Australia only)
  • Japan (South Australia only)
  • New Zealand (all states)
  • USA (excludes Queensland and Western Australia)

Citrus Australia Quality Manager, Nathan Hancock, said the Korea, China and Thailand (KCT) packing house registration management has been brought online for the Department of Agriculture and Water to improve efficiency.
“Packing houses need to start the application process now so that their growers can select them as there nominated packing house when the orchard applications open,” Nathan said.
The details of packhouses export approved by the Department in 2016 will be in the system and an email will have been forwarded. If you have not received this email, please email registrations@citrusaustralia.com.au
Those who want to export in 2017 to the markets listed above for the first time, please email registrations@citrusaustralia.com.au
Nathan is currently in WA where he will be updating packers and registered crop monitors on the changes to the online system for KCT and other protocol markets. Visits to QLD, SA, VIC and NSW will follow.
For those who would like to see Nathan on his trip, please call 0429 772 181 or email nathan.hancock@citrusaustralia.com.au

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