07 November 2016

Citrus tree census now open


The annual Citrus Tree Census (CTC) opens on November 1, giving growers the opportunity to record new plantings, top working or removal of trees completed since November last year.
Growers who have previously completed an online tree census will receive an email in the first week of November with a link to their previous tree census form.
Those who completed the census via mail will receive their hard copy in the post and that it can be submitted by fax or mail.
If you have not previously completed a Citrus Tree Census, please contact Nathan Hancock at Nathan.hancock@citrusaustralia.com.au or call 0429 772 181.
The 2014 Tree Census report is available on the website. Login and password required. (Contact Shay at admin@citrusaustralia.com.au if you have forgotten your login details.)

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