Citrus growers pay levies to the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, which is responsible for the collection, administration and disbursement of levies and charges on behalf of Australian agricultural industries.

Hort Innovation manages the proportion of the levy funds directed to research, development, marketing & extension (R,D,M&E).

Under a new project commencing in 2024 (Citrus Industry Consultation and Advisory Mechanism - CT23004) Citrus Australia will consult directly with levy payers and industry stakeholders to provide advice and recommendations to Hort Innovation on future levy-funded investments. Consultation can happen formally, through Citrus Australia's Regional Advisory and Issues Committees, or informally via our communication channels, national and regional events, and direct contact. 



Claire Fitchett

Claire joined Citrus Australia in September 2021 with the primary role of developing opportunities for the Australian citrus industry in new export markets. Claire has worked in horticulture exports since 2012, having previously held export development roles at Apple & Pear Australia, Montague and Hort Innovation. Claire enjoys working with growers to understand their issues and find solutions to improve industry outcomes.


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Industry stakeholders are invited to provide concepts for levy-funded investment through Hort Innovation and the Citrus Fund.

Stakeholders are encouraged to refer to the Citrus Industry Strategic Plan to understand the citrus investment program.

To submit your concept, fill in the online form via the link below.

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