Citrus & Health

for health care professionals

Stay updated on citrus science, evidence-based resources, and new recipes

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Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits (oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes and grapefruits) have a famous place in nutrition science and are well known for their vitamin C content.

Today, we know they are much more than vitamin C, and it is their unique, whole food package that delivers important health benefits, including immune support, brain health, and heart health.


100% Citrus Juice

Often dismissed for being high in sugars and low in sugars, research now shows that 100% citrus juices can have an important, evidenced-role in a healthy diet.

A rich source of micronutrients and bioactives, there is so much more to 100% citrus juice than just sugars and they can have meaningful health benefits, similar to whole citrus fruits.

Fact Sheets

Learn about the unique nutrition package of citrus and how both the whole fruits and their juices can improve health outcomes:


Read about the health effects of 100% juice in this comprehensive review carried out by FOODiQ Global:


Discover expert considerations for the role of 100% juice in modern dietary guidelines:


Stay up to date with the science by catching a recording of these contemporary, thought-provoking webinars on citrus and health:

Client-friendly resources

Empower your clients with practical knowledge and tips on the health properties of citrus fruits:

Infographic & Social Media Tiles

Keen to showcase the science of citrus fruits with your followers?

Download and share these beautiful infographics and social media tiles, created to help you showcase the latest information on citrus fruits and health.


Discover bite-sized facts about 100% citrus juice in these short and engaging animations.


Citrus fruits add a variety of bright colours, sweet fragrance, and zesty flavour to meals. They are versatile, available year-round, and fit perfectly in plant based, low FODMAP, Mediterranean, DASH, and minimally processed diets.

Get inspired to add bright colours, sweet fragrances, and zesty flavours to your meals with citrus:

This webpage is intended for healthcare professionals only. It is for educational purposes and not intended for therapeutic use.

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