05 July 2019

04/07/2019 Update: Citrus Canker response, Northern Territory and Western Australia

Dear Grower,

Since the outbreak of citrus canker in Darwin in April 2018 Citrus Australia has advocated for improved communication to industry about the response.

Please click here for a situation report from the Northern Territory Government on the progress of the response.

The Federal Minister for Agriculture has yet to set in motion the mechanisms for collecting the $1.05 per tonne Emergency Plant Pest Levy, I will know by mid-July whether the proposed start date for collection will be 1 October 2019 or 1 January 2020 and will inform industry then. See more information about the levy here: https://citrusaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Canker-Levy-Letter-08-03-2019.pdf

Please feel free to contact me about any part of the citrus canker response or Emergency Plant Pest Levy.

Yours sincerely,


Nathan Hancock

Chief Executive Officer

Citrus Australia Ltd


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