02 May 2017

Citrus pest surveillance in Darwin and Katherine

Citrus pest surveillance in Darwin and Katherine


The Australian Citrus industry, with the support of the Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) and NT Department of Primary Industries and Resources will be conducting biosecurity surveys of citrus plantings in the Darwin and Katherine regions this month.

This will be the third in a series of surveillance activities looking for evidence of exotic citrus pests across the north of Australia.

Work has already been conducted in the Ord River in 2015 and Atherton Tablelands in 2016.

Stuart Pettigrew, Citrus Biosecurity Manager, is leading this work on behalf of the citrus industry, and is seeking support from growers to access their property to check for exotic pests, such as citrus canker or Huanglongbing (HLB).

“As far as we know, these pests are not in Australia, but we want to be sure,” Stuart said.

“With the biosecurity incursions in recent years for bananas and cucurbits, we certainly don’t need to tell NT farmers the risks associated with new pests.

“We are working proactively to ensure the citrus industry is as protected and prepared as possible, and we look forward to working with citrus growers in the north.”

The three surveys across northern Australia are part of the $200 million commitment under the Agricultural Competitiveness and Developing Northern Australia White Papers, to improve biosecurity and analysis to better target critical biosecurity risks.

More information on these surveys is available by contacting Stuart Pettigrew on 0429 936 812 or stuart@agdynamics.com.au

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