02 May 2017

Export promotion gears up

Export promotion gears up


The 2017 citrus export campaign kicks off later this month with trade seminars to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 23-25 May.

The trade seminars, organised and delivered by Austrade Japan and Citrus Australia (supported by HIA orange marketing and citrus R&D levies) will present the 2017 crop outlook, production and export trends, tariff reduction through JAEPA, National Residue Survey and promotion plan to Japanese importers, retailers and food service representatives.

The retail promotion featuring  in-store sampling, point of sale material and media will run between August and October.

Australian citrus will also feature in Austrade’s Taste of Australia menu competition and social media efforts.

This will be one of the most comprehensive Australian citrus campaigns in Japan – recognising the history of trade, the Japan Australia Economic Partnership Agreement and the fact that Japan was the largest export market (by volume) for Australian oranges in 2016.

Australian growers and exporters are welcome to attend the seminars.

Other markets allocated Hort Innovation orange levy marketing funds for 2017 include China, Philippines, UAE, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

The Victorian Government’s Now!In Season team and Austrade will be managing/delivering these campaigns. More information will be provided once details are confirmed.

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