05 July 2019

02/07/2018 Update: Citrus Canker response, Northern Territory and Western Australia

Dear Grower,

Re: New citrus canker Restricted Area in Howard Springs

Another detection of the citrus canker bacteria has been found on two potted plants at a property in Howard Springs.

A proactive member of the public contacted the Department of Primary Industry and Resources response team through the Citrus Canker Hotline and the on-line reporting option to report the suspected citrus canker infected plants on their property in the Howard Springs area.

An additional restricted area, including movement restrictions for citrus and host plant varieties and their associated material in the area around the detection, has been put in place.

This new restricted area, has been gazetted and is available on the department’s citrus canker web page at www.dpir.nt.gov.au/citrus-canker.

The Howard Springs Restricted Area is within the established greater Darwin Control Area gazetted on 21 May 2018.

Northern Territory Director for Biosecurity and Animal Welfare Sarah Corcoran said the two infected potted citrus plants on the property were purchased from a known supplier within the past six to eight months. An adjacent mature planted citrus tree was not displaying signs of citrus canker.

“The Howard Springs property is more than two kilometres from the nearest commercial citrus premises,” Ms Corcoran said.

“There are 44 residences in the new restricted area in Howard Springs and surveillance officers from the emergency response team will now visit to conduct inspections and ensure there has been no spread of the disease.

“These property owners will be contacted by staff from the citrus canker emergency response shortly.”

This most recent citrus canker detection is the ninth confirmed infected premise in the Northern Territory.

“All discovered infected plants to date are potted plants sold within the past 12 months and directly linked to one supplier, which is a positive indicator that there has been no natural spread of the disease,” Ms Corcoran said.

“There has still been no detection of citrus canker on any commercial citrus growing properties in the Northern Territory.

“Northern Territory Farmers Association continues to work closely with the Northern Territory Government to keep growers informed of events as they occur.”

Northern Territory Farmers Association CEO Greg Owens said he continues to support the science based approach being undertaken by the citrus canker emergency response.

Ms Corcoran said development of the recently agreed national protocol for trade of citrus fruit from a control area, showed they’re continuing to work with industry to implement a permit framework to meet the conditions of the protocol enabling the trade of produce that was free of disease.

“The citrus canker emergency response team will continue surveillance and tracing work in line with the nationally agreed response plan which is informing activities over the next six months,” Ms Corcoran said.

Reports provided by the public are still the strongest available tool in identifying and eradicating the disease from the Northern Territory, and anyone who has purchased or been given a citrus plant in the last 12 months is urged to contact the citrus canker hotline on 1800 931 722.

There is also a range of information to aid the public with identification and available reporting options at www.dpir.nt.gov.au/citrus-canker.

Thank you everyone who has already contacted the hotline. The citrus canker response team will be following up on all calls as early identification offers the best opportunity of containing and eradicating citrus canker from the Northern Territory.

Media contact: 08 8999 2029

Yours sincerely,


Nathan Hancock

Chief Executive Officer

Citrus Australia Ltd


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