28 February 2023

Western Australia

Comments made by EE Muirs’ Agronomist, Tom Anstey

Over the past months, South West WA has experienced warm and dry weather. Citrus trees have completed fruit set and are now entering mid-to-late cell expansion stages. Growers have been irrigating and maintaining nutrition through fertigation and foliar treatments to sustain tree productivity. Pest levels have been moderate with a variety of snail, hard/soft scale, weevil and mealybug species sighted. Disease has been minimal.

Insect Pests

Heading further into February and March, pest pressure will reduce slightly with cooler weather, however, snail, mealybug, scale and weevil can still pose problems. Frequent orchard monitoring is recommended to best manage potential outbreaks and identify appropriate control strategies. 

Growers are encouraged to promote orchard hygiene practices, encourage beneficial insect populations and administer chemical treatments only where necessary and to label.

Leaf testing

Leaf testing is an effective means of monitoring a tree’s current nutrition status. Leaf sampling and testing in late February to late March will guide future management. Fully expanded spring flush leaves, often the third or fourth leaf along the shoot, are the best to gather an accurate sample and result.

Contact your local agronomist or consultant for advice on these matters.” – Contact Tom on 0429 470 328 or tanstey@eemuir.com.au


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