01 May 2020
China has approved 2020 list of orchards and packing houses
China has approved 2020 list of orchards and packing houses
1 May 2020
China has approved the 2020 list of Australian citrus orchards and packing houses.
From this point on, pack houses should use only the Reg. numbers on the 2020 list for export to China and accredited Export Listing Numbers from Citrus Australia’s online registration system.
An email was sent to all KCT pack houses recently with a link to the China Customs website; contact nicole.zerveas@citrusaustralia.com.au if you did not receive this email (check your junk emails first).
To ensure sheds select accredited blocks/orchards, check the <KCT Country DAWR Status> section of the Citrus Australia online registration system.
Shed staff should check the system regularly as a block/orchard status can change during the season if protocol requirements are not met.
The DAWE Audit Services Team will complete the status of all blocks/orchards/pack houses within the next couple of weeks.
Email AuditServices@awe.gov.au if you have any questions regarding the audit approval process.
For help accessing the online registration system and the Block/orchard status lists, organise a ZOOM MEETING with Nicole Zerveas.
You can contact Nicole on mobile 0499 044 111 or via email nicole.zerveas@citrusaustralia.com.au
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