20 April 2020
Important information on export accreditation for China, Korea and Thailand 2020
Important information on export accreditation for China, Korea and Thailand 2020
20 April 2020
Citrus Australia advises growers and packers planning to export to China, Korea and Thailand in 2020 that:
- The Department of Agriculture is still finalising audits (and export accreditation) for orchards and packinghouses for 2020.
- You will receive an official email advising of your status in the coming weeks.
- Accreditation lists have been sent to China but have not yet been published on the China customs website.
- What this means is any new blocks (this year) have not yet been approved by China and are not yet eligible for export.
- You can still pack and export fruit from blocks registered in 2019 and also appear on the KCT system in 2020.
- DO NOT pack and export fruit to China from orchards or packing houses that do not appear on last season’s list.
- Citrus Australia will advise you as soon as China has approved the 2020 blocks and packinghouses.
- If in any doubt, please contact Citrus Australia for last year’s accreditation numbers.
Documentation approval and logistical delays
The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting business around the globe to differing degrees, and the situation is changing daily.
Before exporting citrus to a country affected by COVID-19, it may help to:
- Check container and dock pathways are still moving and whether adequate customs services are available in destination ports.
- Allow plenty of time to send documentation – air freight and courier services for documents are delayed worldwide.
- Assess the financial viability of your customer/s by keeping in touch with trusted sources.
- Check if there are additional demurrage/port charges if delays occur.
For further information, contact Nicole Zerveas, Market Development Project Officer, Citrus Australia, on 0499 044 111 or email nicole.zerveas@citrusaustralia.com.au
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