01 November 2019

KCT registrations open November 1

KCT registrations open November 1

1 November 2019

Citrus growers who send fruit to KCT pack houses for export protocol markets will be able to register for the 2020 season via the Citrus Australia on-line system from 1 November 2019.

KCT Grower Orchard on-line applications will commence 1 November 2019 and close by the new deadline this season of 13 December 2019; growers will be notified via the Citrus Australia Tree Census emails.

Growers are required to complete their Citrus Tree Census on-line form first and enter YES for registering for export for Korea, China, Thailand in the relevant box before saving.

This triggers the KCT registration email with a link and instructions on how to complete the on-line KCT application.

Maps need to be uploaded onto the KCT Application by 13 December to allow crop monitor access to important information.

The map must be legible, the blocks/orchards must be outlined, road names must be included. The block name/s must appear on your property map exactly as they are listed on the KCT application.

If growers have not received their Citrus Tree Census emails by 5 November and have already checked their Junk emails, please contact Nicole Zerveas.

For information about KCT grower orchard registration please email registrations@citrusaustralia.com or contact Nicole Zerveas, Citrus Australia on 0499 044 111, nicole.zerveas@citrusaustralia.com.au 

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