22 January 2019
Have your say on Hort Innovation’s new strategic plan
Have your say on Hort Innovation’s new strategic plan
22 January 2019
Hort Innovation is in the process of developing a new Strategic Plan, which will be launched in mid-2019, replacing the current plan.
In developing the plan, Hort Innovation wants to give growers and members the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on how it invests levies on behalf of the sector.
This consultation is separate to that undertaken for the individual levy fund Strategy Investment Plans (SIPs) that were created during the last two years, and for the SIPs that will be developed in the future.
The ideas Hort Innovation are seeking have been structured around four key questions:
• What are the most important priorities for Hort Innovation?
• What are the top goals for Hort Innovation?
• What are Hort Innovation’s strengths?
• What are Hort Innovation’s obstacles?
Hort Innovation will hold workshops across Australia over the next few months to share how it currently invests levy funds, and to give participants the oportunitiy discuss views and ideas on how it can do this better in the future to meet the needs and priorities of the sector.
The outcomes of these workshops will be integrated into the development of the new company Strategic Plan, to be released mid-2019.
For workshop dates or to contribute your views via an online portal, visit here.
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