10 November 2017

Murray Valley workshop to give practical advice on controlling Q-fly on farm

Murray Valley workshop to give practical advice on controlling Q-fly on farm


Who:                     Citrus growers and packers

What:                   Fruit fly workshop, practical demonstrations

When:                  4pm, Tuesday 5 December 2017

Where:                 Belah Heights, 6700 Sturt Highway, Trentham NSW

Citrus Australia’s regional advisory committee in the Murray Valley (MVRAC) invites growers to attend a Q-fly management workshop on Tuesday December 5, at Belah Heights, Stuart Highway Trentham.

“Our committee is concerned that not enough is known by growers to effectively control fruit fly on farm” says David Stevens, MVRC chair.

“We want to show growers what other growers in the district and other regions are doing to control fruit fly – we’ll demonstrate a rig that’s been set up by John Hederics and we have a couple of growers speaking about their own fruit fly treatment regimes,” he adds.

Other topics include a third party update on the range of baits, traps and chemicals that can be used.

“We’ve asked Steve Falivene from NSW DPI to put together a comprehensive list of materials for effective control of fruit fly including when to apply, application frequency and methods of application” says David.

“We support the initiatives of the Greater Sunraysia Region Pest Free Area group and the work they are doing in the towns, but we as growers must address Q-fly control on farm.”

The workshop will run from 4pm and concludes with a BBQ and refreshments.

For catering purposes please RSVP to Shay Linder-Auricht by email to admin@citrusaustralia.com.au

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