26 October 2017

Queensland grower post-season meeting

Queensland grower post-season meeting


Citrus Australia’s regional advisory committee in Queensland (QRAC) are holding a post season meeting in Gayndah at the Gayndah Arts and Cultural Centre.

To be held on 29 November from 1.00pm, the meeting will cover a range of topics of interest to growers in the region.

Chair of QRAC Michael McMahon is encouraging growers to attend the meeting that will conclude with light refreshments at the Grand Hotel.

“I think growers will see value in the program, we have a good mixture of farm management, pack house and market development topics,” said Michael. “There are a number of issues that growers need to be aware of such as the changes to food safety assurance, the modern award and fair treatment of back packers.

“We have some information on the marketing program in Thailand and the market familiarisation trip to the Philippines this year.

“And we will hear updates from a number of Hort Innovation funded national citrus projects such as gall wasp, postharvest and rootstock evaluation.”

Download the agenda for the Queensland grower post-season meeting.

To register please email admin@citrusaustralia.com.au

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