06 July 2017

Assessing resistance to postharvest fungicides

Assessing resistance to postharvest fungicides


By John Golding

With the season going well, it is time to consider the use and effectiveness of postharvest fungicides.

It is essential that postharvest fungicides remain effective and any potential residues remain well below importing countries Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs).

However, resistance to postharvest fungicides by decay pathogens, such as green mould can develop with poor management of fungicides in the packing shed.

Resistance to fungicides reduces the effectiveness of the fungicide and can create decay problems in the market.

The Australian Citrus Postharvest Science Program (Hort Innovation CT15010) is currently developing regional surveys to test the level of fungicide resistance and raise awareness of the need to properly manage postharvest fungicides.

This is currently happening in the major production areas. Updates of this activity will be presented in future eNews.

For more information, contact John Golding on (02) 4348 1926 or john.golding@dpi.nsw.gov.au

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