31 March 2017

Be neighbourly when applying late season chemicals

Be neighbourly when applying late season chemicals


Citrus growers have been reminded to consider neighbouring crops when applying chemical controls.

Australian Vignerons CEO, Andrew Weeks, says while Australian producers of all commodities are careful and sparing users of agrochemicals by international standards, care is still needed to avoid possible damage to neighbouring crops.

“There are many farming regions across Australia where different crops have common boundaries,” Andrew said.

“This can become an issue, as many chemicals used in viticulture, horticulture or broadacre production systems may lead to damage or residue issues if they contact non-target crops.”

Andrew asked growers to obey existing industry codes of best practice in relation to chemical application and avoidance of spray drift.

“This includes avoidance of spraying under conditions conducive to inversion layers or unfavourable winds, where risk is greatest.”

Andrew advised all growers to speak to their neighbours about planned chemical application, especially late in the season, and to be aware of the risks in other crops.

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