25 May 2018

18/05/2018 Update: Citrus Canker response, Northern Territory and Western Australia

Dear Grower

Re: Citrus Canker response, Northern Territory and Western Australia

This is to make you aware that the citrus canker biosecurity response has detected canker in three properties in WA. The properties are linked to the Darwin outbreak and were found through the tracing of information provided to the response.

None of the infected properties are commercial citrus properties.

The response is a national response and I have been strongly advocating that the response plan need only be updated to include WA.

Movement controls will be enforced, I have advocate that these will be local to Kununurra and Wyndham (the Ord) and that protocols developed for fruit movement in the NT be adopted in WA. These protocols are a systems approach to managing the risk of spread of canker material and include but are not limited to:

  • Survey to determine absence of canker
  • Evidence of copper sprays
  • Evidence of leaf miner control
  • Post harvest treatments
  • Post harvest inspection by authority

Finding canker in the Ord region is evidence that the approach is working to date. I am challenging and questioning the response to make sure we have the best possible outcome for growers – eradication of canker.

As more data is captured and properties cleared (or canker detected) we weigh up the balance of probability that the response in its current form is correct – alternatives are begin considered and can be enacted if evidence indicates a change is required.

There is a high expectation amongst the citrus researchers working on the response that this incursion can be eradicated.

There have been over 11,000 host plants destroyed to date in the response – only a small fraction of these were actually infected.

I have been in contact with the Chief Plant Health officers in both jurisdictions today as well as holding a teleconference with a grower reference group in WA coordinated by WA Citrus.

I encourage you to contact me should you have any concerns or queries regarding the canker response.


Best regards,


Nathan Hancock

Chief Executive Officer

Citrus Australia Ltd

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