Citrus Australia and Plant Health Australia (PHA) have developed a Biosecurity Resource Toolkit to educate citrus industry members about response actions under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) and prepare them for plant pest emergencies.

Through a collection of 12 articles, the toolkit will improve your understanding of national biosecurity arrangements and highlight that as your peak industry body, Citrus Australia will be a source of truth and point of contact during a plant pest response.

Article 1 - Understanding Australia's biosecurity system

This article provides detailed information on Australia’s national biosecurity system and how the plant industry responds to Emergency Plant Pest (EPP) incidents, including:

  • What is being done to protect Australia from exotic plant pests and diseases
  • Our national plant biosecurity arrangements
  • The role growers play in the national plant biosecurity system.

Article 2 - What happens when you report something unusual?

In this article, you will learn what to do if you find something unusual on your property either in your crops or bees, and covers:

  • How to report suspected Emergency Plant Pests (EPP)
  • What investigations happen in the early stages after an EPP is reported
  • What activities will likely happen on your property
  • What support and advice is available to you.

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