03 April 2023

Eastcoast Beverages take home Value Chain Innovator Award

Great social media marketing begins with great people – when business actions and values can be showcased across wider platforms for everyone to like, share and comment.

Eastcoast’s social media has established great relationships with its customers, but this is only achieved through great business actions, recognised today as innovation in marketing.

In 2019 Eastcoast began their marketing campaign Return, Regrow, Re-juice which re-positioned Eastcoast as a company that does more than just sell juice. They’re a family business that is committed to the environment with a goal of becoming 100 per cent recyclable.

Return, regrow and re-juice – an initiative promoting the juice industry as proactive and solution driven in sustainability. As part of this sustainability, Eastcoast supports those in need with the return of peel to Australian farmers in drought.

Associating target consumer values with their label, Eastcoast continue with their theme of social responsibility seen in their Flood Recovery Labels, where 10 cents from each bottle goes towards Vinnies Flood Appeal in 2022, and in 2021, supporting Coast Shelter with a Christmas wrapping fundraiser. These are just some examples of their community service over the years establishing a relationship between brand and customer.

Eastcoast are well known for breaking this wall between consumer and producer, building trust through social media. From hilarious Valentine’s videos relabeling them as the sexiest juice company in Australia, to short-film stories featuring the family that started it all.

Eastcoast’s engagement with customers extends beyond the screen, as they open the orchard to the public once a year with Day On The Farm – offering fruit picking, factory tours, live music and market stalls. Day on the Farm is in June for anyone interested.

Eastcoast also hosted their first annual Rock The Farm, an open-air music festival supported by Red Rich Fruits and Mitre Ten. The music amongst the orange trees sees hundreds of visitors explore another side of the citrus industry.

This dedication and investment in time and money marketing their family business lights the way for the future of citrus businesses and what can be achieved when you promote ‘who’ your business is, not ‘what’ your business is.

Think you know a business or someone who deserves the next Value Chain Innovator award? Ask our office about nominations on office@citrusaustralia.com.au or call 03 5023 6333.

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