13 May 2021

Citrus Granita


Citrus Granita

by Kim Mc KcCosker


6 oranges
1½ lemons
¾ cup sugar
Fresh mint for garnish


Peel the rind from the fruit then squeeze out the juice.
In a heavy based saucepan boil the sugar and 450ml water,
stirring until the sugar dissolves. Continue to boil for a further
10 minutes or until syrupy. Remove from heat, stir in the rind,
cover and leave to cool.
Mix in juice then pour into a freezer-proof container.
Freeze, uncovered for 4 hours. Remove and break up
with a fork. Freeze again for a further 4 hours, or until hard.
Remove from the freezer and leave until slightly softened.
Beat with a fork, then spoon into glasses or oranges and
decorate with a twig of mint to serve

Source: www.oranges.com.au

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