12 May 2021

Braised Orange Chicken with Orange Rice


Braised Orange Chicken
with Orange Rice

by Kim Mc KcCosker


4 large chicken cutlets
1 tsp paprika1 tsp salt
½ tbs oil
½ tbs butter
½ cup orange juice
4 tbs white wine
1 tsp honey
4 slices of orange

 Orange Rice

1 cup long grain rice
1 tbs butter
¼ cup fi nely diced celery
¼ cup fi nely diced carrot
1/3 cup currants
100g pine nuts, toasted
1 tbs fi nely grated orange rind
1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1 cup water
1 tsp salt
¼ cup fresh orange juice

Orange Sauce

½ cup orange juice
1 tsp honey
½ tsp Dijon mustard
1 star anise
½ tsp orange rind


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix together the paprika and
salt and rub well into each piece of chicken. Heat butter
and oil in a large frypan. Add chicken in batches and cook

for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until browned. Transfer
chicken to a large casserole dish and lay a slice of orange
on each cutlet. Mix together the honey, orange juice,
white wine and pour over the chicken. Place in the oven,
basting chicken regularly, cook for a further 20 minutes or
until chicken is tender. Remove chicken and keep warm.
Deglaze pan with ¼ cup orange juice, then pour pan juices
into a jug and stand for 5 minutes until fat has separated.
Then discard fat and strain through a fi ne sieve and add to
orange sauce.

Orange Rice: Melt the butter in a pan, add the diced celery
and carrot and sauté for 1 minute. Add the rice, water,
orange juice and salt, stir well to combine. Bring to the boil,
then reduce the heat, add the currants, cover and simmer
gently for 20 minutes until the liquid is absorbed. Add the
pine nuts and orange rind and serve.

Orange Sauce: Combine the fresh orange juice,
honey, Dijon mustard and star anise, cook on a
medium heat for 10 minutes to infuse the fl avours
until the sauce slightly thickens. Add deglazed jus
and orange rind, pour over oven cooked chicken,
return to the oven for 10 minutes and serve with
seasonal vegetables.

Source: www.oranges.com.au

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