01 April 2020

Citrus Australia Guide to COVID-19: In the orchard and packing shed

Guide to COVID-19: In the orchard and packing shed

1 April 2020


Watch Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock announce the availability of the Citrus Australia Guide to COVID-19: In the orchard and packing shed. You can download a copy here.

This guide is a one-stop shop for citrus growers and packers dealing with COVID-19 in the workplace.  Please note:

  1. There are many regulations and policies that have not yet been developed by government in this unprecedented event.  Any that have, continue to change daily.
  2. Each state is developing its own policies, so they may be different, and as Queensland growers are the first going into harvest, they are ahead in terms of facing challenges and getting answers.
  3. This is a guideline only.  If it doesn’t match what else you may have heard, and you are concerned, seek clarity.  At the end of the day, follow best management practices and document this as evidence for anyone who may ask.  We will continue to update this document regularly with what we know.
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