25 March 2020

Seasonal Worker Programme & Pacific Labour Scheme


UPDATE PER STATE as of 14 October 2021

Western Australia

  • There is an SWP pathway into WA for horticulture.
  • Quarantine is via government quarantine facilities in Perth at a cost of $2500 per person.
  • Planes must be chartered at your own expense, or through a labour hire company.
  • The WA Government have provisionally identified a new quarantine hotel for the SWP only, which will be used from 28 May onwards.
  • WA has a new Labour Scheme Facilitator based at DPIRD – Kit Sainsbury. Contact Kit for your seasonal worker needs: 0477 477 044, kit.sainsbury@dpird.wa.gov.au

Northern Territory

  • There is an SWP pathway into NT for horticulture using the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility to receive seasonal workers from the Pacific Mobility Scheme.
  • Planes must be chartered at your own expense, or through a labour hire company. NT Farmers are making the arrangements and applying to the NT Government to subsidise the high cost.
  • To access the program, submit your recruitment plan to DESE via the SWP portal. This will then go to the NT government for approval. You can read more about accessing the program and what’s required by you of the NT government here, or contact Border Restrictions on 1800 490 484 or Exempt@nt.gov.au.
  • To apply for on farm quarantine, read about the principles here, and access the application form here.
  • Contact NT Farmers Association for support by emailing admin@ntfarmers.org.au.

South Australia

  • The Government of South Australia is currently not accepting seasonal workers from the Pacific, as there are no quarantine facilities available.  They are urgently seeking a replacement facility. More than 2,800 workers are required by October 2021.
  • On March 5 2021, the Prime Minister announced entering a national pilot program for pre-departure quarantine in Vanuatu and Fiji. At this point, only SA has opted in. There has been no further progression on this.


  • There is an SWP pathway into Queensland for horticulture for the foreseeable future.
  • Quarantine is via government hotel quarantine facilities in Brisbane or Cairns at a cost of $2800 per person, via on-farm quarantine, or via an industry-led regional quarantine facility. As of July, hotel quarantine is at capacity, with a backlog of 400 workers waiting.
  • Currently all workers are being moved to on farm and regional quarantine facilities which can take a larger number of workers.
  • DAF is working with agencies involved in the delivery of quarantine arrangement guidelines for industry-led regional quarantine facilities for Chief Health Officer approval. These guidelines are now published on the Business Queensland website. An application form relevant to an industry led regional quarantine facility is still being developed. To apply for regional processing, first arrange a pre-lodgement meeting with QDAF to discuss your application, by emailing dafcovid19plsswp@daf.qld.gov.au.
  • Current regional quarantine facilities include: Farmworkers Lodge, Grantham (SEQ) – 160 people; Claredale Pastures, Clare (NQ) – 46 people; Walsh Camp, Dimbulah – (NQ) – 160 people
  • Only growers who are Approved Employers (AE) for the SWP can participate. Others may be able to access workers through a labour hire company that is an AE.
  • On-farm quarantine is limited to workers from low COVID-19 risk countries. The AE needs to develop a detailed international quarantine plan for on-farm quarantine and meet all the costs. Quarantine costs cannot be recovered from the workers.
  • Due to limited resources in Queensland health and police, on farm quarantine facilities must accommodate between 30-80 workers. This means that flights can only hold workers for a maximum of six Approved Employers. Flights generally hold 160-170 people. On-farm facilities must be approved by DESE.
  • Planes can be chartered at your own expense, or through a labour hire company.
  • DFAT supported commercial flights are also available via Brisbane.  More details below under ‘flights’.
  • If workers are wanted outside of Brisbane, DFAT can assist in facilitating a charter flight from Brisbane to the relevant city or town.
  • To access the program, submit an application, including a recruitment plan and proposed quarantine arrangements, to DESE via the SWP portal. This will then got the Queensland Government for approval. You can read more about accessing the program and what is required here.

New South Wales

  • There is an SWP pathway into NSW for horticulture.
  • Quarantine is via government hotel quarantine facilities in Sydney at a cost of $1,500 per person (reduced from $3000 per person in early April 2021). An industry support package for a hotel quarantine subsidy program has been announced, and can be claimed retrospectively.
  • NSW health and police departments are supportive of the SWP, but not willing to budge on considering regional quarantine or on-farm quarantine at this point.
  • Planes must be chartered at your own expense, or through a labour hire company.
  • To access the program, submit your recruitment plan to DESE via the SWP portal. This will then go to the NSW government for approval, and DESE will advise you when this has been confirmed so that you may book flights.


  • There is an SWP pathway into Victoria.
  • Quarantine is via government hotel quarantine facilities in Tasmania at a cost of $2000 per person. Growers must also cover the cost of workers getting from Hobart to Victorian properties.
  • Planes must be chartered at your own expense, or through a labour hire company.
  • Farm businesses who are Approved Employers can access the program by submitting a recruitment proposal to DESE via the SWP portal. This will then go to Victorian Government for approval.
  • Farm businesses that are not Approved Employers can still access the program through an Approved Employer labour hire provider (such as MADEC, or Connect Group). There are several labour hire providers who are Approved Employers that are developing recruitment proposals for the Victorian industry. There is a list of Approved Employers here: Listing of current Approved Employers – Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Australian Government (dese.gov.au)


  • National Cabinet has agreed to pilot pre-departure quarantine arrangements for Pacific workers in their home countries, with SA opting into the pilot subject to the finalisation of arrangements.
  • The Federal Government has indicated its intent to explore in-country quarantine arrangements for Pacific workers with eligible, low-risk Pacific neighbours following risk assessments.
  • DFAT will support quarantine costs of those being repatriated until December 2021 to the following countries: Fiji  Kiribati, PNG, Samoa, Timor Leste and Vanuatu. Other countries are still in negotiation with the Australian Government. The SWP portal will have information on how to access this.
  • DFAT happy to facilitate discussions with Kiribati government if any growers would like workers from Kiribati, they are very keen.
  • Agriculture businesses that would like to become Approved Employers can apply to the Australian Government. More information is available at:


DFAT is now supporting a limited amount of commercial flights via the ‘Pacific Flights Program’ between Australia and the Pacific, to repatriate SWP workers, and bring over new workers.  As of August, countries include Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Kiribati.

DFAT encourages AEs to utilise these flights to ensure their continuation, particularly for smaller growers.  Cost savings can be up to 60% over the cost of a charter flight.

While most flights arrive into Brisbane, DFAT and state governments can work with employers and the airline to try to facilitate flights to stop via Sydney also.

Bookings are available through the airline operating the route. Please ask the PLF (for PLS) or DESE (for SWP) if you are having any issues booking, and they will assist. Please also ensure you check the AE update, which includes up to date information on flights.

Pacific workers are now exempt from the international passenger cap, however only if agreed to by the CHO of each state.

Due to increasing domestic flights, Virgin Australia have indicated that they can no longer assist with charter flights into Australia. This will increase pressure on those sourcing charter flights.

As of early May, repayments made by seasonal workers will be raised by 50%, to assist growers to cover the cost of charter flights to Australia.

See the full flight matrix with costs here, as of 27 April 2021.

Booking information

Solomon Airlines

  • Operating passenger flights fortnightly – Brisbane to Honiara return
  • Flying to Kiribati approximately every 4-6 weeks
  • Bookings should be made via their website, only after state CHO approvals are secured
  • Reservations: 1300 894 311

Air Vanuatu

  • Operating fortnightly passenger flights on Saturdays – Port Vila to Brisbane return
  • Reservations can be made through the Port Vila sales office (phone: +678 20200) or Sydney sales office (phone: 1300 780 737 or 02 8335 4600; sales@airvanuatu.com.au)


  • Brisbane – Darwin – Dili (Timor Leste) – Brisbane – fortnightly
  • Brisbane – Apia (Samoa) – Brisbane – monthly
  • Brisbane – Nuku’alofa (Tonga) – Brisbane – monthly
  • Flights can be booked on the Qantas website.
  • If workers are wanted outside of Brisbane, DFAT can assist in facilitating a charter flight from Brisbane to the relevant city or town.

Air Niugini

  • Port Moresby – Brisbane – Port Moresby x 3 weekly
  • Port Moresby –  Sydney – Port Moresby x 1 weekly

Fiji Airways

  • Nadi – Brisbane – Nadi – weekly
  • Nadi – Sydney – Nadi – weekly


Now is a good time to apply to become an Approved Employer – visit here to see how.


On 4 April 2020, Agriculture Minister, David Littleproud, announced that SWP and PLS workers would be eligible to extend their stay in Australia for 12 months to work for approved employers.

SWP workers with visas due to expire will be able to apply for a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) visa in the Australian Government Endorsed Event (AGEE) stream.  View the Online Visa Application Guide for details on how to apply for this visa.

During the COVID-19 period, condition 8503 (No Further Stay) attached to subclass 403 SWP visas will be automatically waived to allow Seasonal Workers to apply for the Temporary Activity (subclass 408) AGEE visa.  Seasonal Workers do not need to apply for a waiver of this condition.

Bridging Visa E

  • If the seasonal worker has already lodged a Bridging Visa E application via ImmiAccount and it has not yet been finalised it can be withdrawn via ImmiAccount and an application for a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) visa in the Australian Government Endorsed Event (AGEE) stream can be lodged instead
  • Seasonal Workers currently on a Bridging Visa E can continue to work under the program, however they should lodge an application for the Temporary Activity (408)– AGEE – COVID-19 Pandemic event visa as soon as possible.

The Department is currently developing frequently asked questions about the 408 Visa.  Approved Employers with questions about this should contact:

  • their Contract Manager for questions relating to SWP recruitments
  • the Department of Home Affairs for visa specific questions

PLS workers with visas due to expire can apply for a new Temporary Work (International Relations) (subclass 403) Pacific Labour scheme stream visa via the Department of Home Affairs online lodgement portal, ImmiAccount. These can be renewed annually if the worker plans to remain in country.

Workers currently in Australia under these programs will be exempt from the requirement to work for a single employer, and will be able to move between approved employers, allowing flexibility and continued support for the agriculture sector in meeting seasonal workforce demands.  SWP and PLS arrangements, including those relating to employers, will be carried over to the new visa arrangements, continuing the link with the agricultural sector.

These temporary measures are not intended to prevent the recruitment of Australians to undertake this work.  Before seeking access to SWP workers, approved employers must first try to recruit Australians (labour market testing).

Existing portability arrangements will continue for seasonal workers employed by approved employers in the pilot regions of Sunraysia, Goulburn/Murray, Riverina and Wimmera-Mallee, which commenced on 1 January 2020.  Read more about the Regional Pilot program here.

These temporary measures will be in place for a time frame that allows relevant critical industries to bridge the gap between their immediate needs and the time to recruit, train and on-board Australians.  The Department of Home Affairs is working with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment to ensure Australians are prioritised for future job opportunities.


On 15 March 2020, the Australian Government announced new measures with the aim of reducing the spread of coronavirus: Coronavirus measures endorsed by National Cabinet.

All travellers arriving into Australia after 15 March 2020, including Australian citizens returning from overseas, are required to self-isolate for 14 days.

14 day self-isolation period and seasonal workers

  • During the self-isolation period, seasonal workers must stay at their accommodation and not go into public places, including work or public gatherings and are not to see visitors. If seasonal workers are in a hotel, they must avoid contact with other guests or staff.
  • Self-isolating seasonal workers must not be housed with others e.g. seasonal workers who are already here, backpackers, welfare and wellbeing support staff, supervisors or other members of the public.
  • If seasonal workers are accommodated in caravan parks, backpacker accommodation or other shared premises they must be able to be isolated from others with separate bathroom, kitchen and lounge facilities.
  • Please advise the department if this type of accommodation is being used for affected workers and provide details on how you will manage the isolation requirements in accordance with the information from the Department of Health.
  • If a worker reports symptoms of COVID-19 during the 14 day self-isolation period (or at any other time) you must contact the National Coronavirus Information Line operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 020 080 and facilitate their access to medical assistance.

Please note:

  • Approved Employers must not conduct face to face arrival briefings with workers until after the workers have undertaken their 14 day self-isolation period.
  • The 14 day self-isolation period is exempt from the placement duration in terms of Approved Employers providing an average of 30 hours of work per week minimum.
  • Any seasonal worker health issues must continue to be reported to the department through SWP Online and appropriate information and updates provided.
  • During the 14 day self-isolation period Approved Employers do not need to assist seasonal workers to set up Australian bank accounts, apply for tax file numbers or establish a superannuation account.  However, this obligation must be performed within 5 business days of the conclusion of the workers self-isolation period.

Providing welfare and wellbeing support during the 14 day self-isolation period

Although seasonal workers are unable to work during their 14 day self-isolation period Approved Employers are still responsible for their care and wellbeing.

Please ensure:

  • That you keep in touch with workers daily to ensure that they feel supported and know who to talk to if they have any concerns.
  • The workers accommodation is stocked with enough food and other essentials to cover the self-isolation period. You may need to review this every few days. These costs may be deducted from the workers’ wages when they commence work, but you must provide a summary of the costs to the workers beforehand so they can agree to the deductions in writing. Please refer to section 2.5.2 in the Guidelines for more information.
  • The workers have connection to the internet so they can keep in contact with you and their families. If Wi-Fi isn’t available in the accommodation you must ensure the workers have a mobile phone with access to the internet.
  • You explain any other changes to deductions if and when this is required.
  • The workers have and maintain adequate health insurance as appropriate. This is important as workers may require medical assistance for conditions other than COVID-19 while they are in self-isolation.
  • You share the messages with the workers that are provided below and keep them updated on any changes when they occur.

Messages to share with seasonal workers:

  • Information and messages about COVID-19 are being constantly updated as the situation changes. I will keep you informed of any changes when they come to hand.
  • Everyone coming into Australia from overseas has to self-isolate for 14 days. This means you will need to stay in your accommodation for 14 days and will not be allowed out to go shopping, go to work or church, or meet with other people outside of your accommodation. You can only interact with the group of people you are sharing your accommodation with.
  • It’s really important that you do this to slow down the number of cases of COVID-19.
  • I will make sure you have enough food to eat and that you can contact your family.
  • If your families are relying on you to send money then you should tell them you may not be able to send money home initially because you need to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • It’s important that you practice good hygiene. This means washing your hands regularly, especially after you have been to the bathroom and before you prepare or eat any food.
  • Some people who are infected will only get mild symptoms from which they will recover easily, and others may become very ill, very quickly.  Please tell me if you are feeling unwell or if you think that someone else is feeling unwell. Symptoms are fever, a cough, sore throat, tiredness or shortness of breath.
  • If you and your fellow house mates don’t have any symptoms at the end of the 14 days you will be able to go to work and interact with people outside of your accommodation.
  • Talk to me or your welfare and wellbeing support person if you have any other questions or concerns.

To assist Approved Employers in having those conversations, please refer to the PLF/SWP information sheet for seasonal workers and the Department of Health Fact sheet on Advice for International Travellers, on the previous page.

Contingency planning for seasonal workers

Updates on travel advice are available on the Smart Traveller website. To assist seasonal workers if they are required to spend a period of time in quarantine on their way home, the department is requesting that Approved Employers take the following actions:

  • Explain to workers that it would be best if they did not send all of their money home, but keep some in their bank account to cover any additional costs, such as extra airfares and incidentals if they are required to quarantine in a COVID-19 free country on their way home or in Australia.
  • You should also consider how you will provide a worker with the facilities to single self-isolate if this becomes necessary. For example, could they be moved into a single bedroom or cabin with their own bathroom facilities?

If you are seeking further advice and information on COVID-19 you can also call the National Coronavirus Information Line operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 020 080.

The Department of Health website continues to have up to date information on the latest medical advice and official reports to assist Approved Employers and seasonal workers.

For further information

If you are an Approved Employer have any questions, please contact your Contract Manager or alternatively, you may wish to email us: SeasonalWorker@dese.gov.au.

SWP Information Line

(02) 6240 5234, Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm AEST (excluding public holidays)

Critical Incidents and Emergencies

1800 515 131, Monday to Friday, before 9.00am or after 5.00pm AEST, (or any time on a weekend or public holiday)

Citrus Australia advises that these changes have a significant impact on the upcoming harvest season, including:

  • Requirement to request workers two weeks earlier.
  • Requirement to source additional accommodation for new workers during the 14-day self-isolation period.
  • Contingency plan for additional labour if new workers become ill during self-isolation and can no longer work in your orchard / packing shed.

If you have any queries regarding these changes, please contact the information line noted above.

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